AOPA has a Flying Club Initiative that has been very helpful in getting the club started. In fact a recent discussion with Steve Bateman of the Initiative lead to the club being added to AOPA’s Flying Club Network. Membership came with some unexpected gifts from AOPA and Aircraft Spruce who are both keen to help flying clubs get started (something they just started doing for clubs started since about 2021 or so.) We got the following:
- A customized heavy duty 6′ by 3′ banner.
- A $100 gift card for purchases from Aircraft Spruce (for things like oil, filters, cleaning supplies, and so on.)
- Yellow chocks.
- Tie-down kit.
- Ten AOPA Flying Club Network stickers.
- Ten Flying Clubs drink Koozies to slip drinks into.
- Info on setting up a club account at Aircraft Spruce that provides discounts on items purchased there – discounts vary by item, but generally around 5%.